Julie and Benjamin – Part 4 – GRAND FINALE!


Benjamin and Julie were running straight towards the men in uniform. Police cruisers were chasing behind them. A helicopter flew overhead.

“How are we gonna get out of this?” Screamed Julie.

“I know a way out!” said Benjamin. “You just have to trust me!”

They continued running, and the officers ahead already had their guns drawn. The married fugitives were in plain sight, and every citizen on each side of the street was watching them.

“Are we going to die?” said Julie.

“I don’t know yet!” said Benjamin.

They continued running. The cruisers sped up behind them while The helicopter descended out in front.

“Ready?” said Benjamin.

“For what?” Said Julie.

The pair continued running, chain-linking jingling between them as they did.

“You see that helicopter?”

Julie looked. The copter was dangerously low to the ground and moving towards them.

“Yeah?” she said.

“Okay, when I say now, jump!”



Benjamin jumped and raised his hands over his head. Julie followed. The handcuffs linking them caught onto the railing below the helicopter. The chopper raised them up off the ground, and the cruisers skidded to a stop below.

“You’re crazy!” Screamed Julie.

Benjamin laughed. “I thought I was a coward?”

Julie looked down in terror at all the police and citizens watching them. “No, not anymore. Now you’re plain crazy!”

The helicopter heightened and headed for a tall apartment complex. The onlookers continued to gaze up at them.

“So does that mean you love me now?” said Benjamin.

Julie whined slightly, shook her head, then began to sob. “I’ve always loved you. You know I have.”

Benjamin smiled. “I thought I was too much of a bore for you?”

She scoffed. “If you weren’t so boring, I’d have wound up in jail a long time ago.”

The copter stopped, and their feet dangled near the roof of the tall apartment complex.

“I should have never talked you into my stupid plan. Stealing police uniforms for a stupid party was a bad idea. I’m sorry Benjamin, I only wish we didn’t have to go to prison apart.”

Benjamin looked at her, and smiled. “I’m sorry I’ve always been too cautious to try anything fun.”

“It’s fine, you keep me out of trouble. That’s why i love you.”

He smiled back. “And I love you.”

The copter lowered steadily and tilted, so that the married couple attached by iron handcuffs slid off the rail with ease. They landed on their feet.

“Come on,” said Benjamin, with a smirk. “I want to show you something.”

Julie looked at him curiously. “You don’t want to run?”

“No.” He laughed. “No more running.”

Benjamin walked Julie over to the ledge of the rooftop. There raised and stood on top of it. Down below all the townspeople began to clap. The officers took off their hats, and even the hillbilly with the rifle was there, waving his gun at them.

“What is this?” said Julie.

“I knew how much you wanted a fun Halloween party, so I got all these people together and spoke with the police. The whole thing was set up from the start. I tripped and dropped the bag of uniforms on purpose, Julie. I knew how much you wanted that rush of adrenaline, so I gave it to you.”

Julie gasped and batted her eyes. “You did all this for me?”

“Of course,” he said. “I love you.”

She laughed, cred a single tear, then leaned in and kissed him. The whole town below went wild.

“Happy Halloween,” she said.

“Happy Halloween Julie,” he finished.


Thomas M. Watt

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